AMD&ART: The Project, 1994 – 2005


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The Clean Slate

AMD&ART: The Project, 1994 – 2005
AMD&ART: The Project, 1994 – 2005

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"Marking a Return" National Student Design Competition
Claire Fellman and Emily Neye, graduate students in Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, won the "Marking a Return" National Student Design Competition in fall 2004. As undergraduates, Fellman studied English; Neye, Geology. "It's a logical, if coincidental, touch for the AMD&ART interdisciplinary approach," said AMD&ART founder Dr. T Allan Comp.

To find a way to mark the return of clean water back into Blacklick Creek, AMD&ART held a national student design competition. Nearly thirty submissions came from across the nation and a distinguished national jury selected one design to be built. Two large slabs of Pennsylvania Slate have become "a literal and physical clean slate on which visitors can gather and reflect on the processes they witness in the park," as the designers envisioned. One piece of slate is situated in a limestone channel allowing the clean water returning to Blacklick Creek to flow over it. The other piece serves as a viewing platform and the beginning of a path of ten slate steps, which lead visitors through a Carboniferous Garden down to the edge of the creek. The Garden will be planted with a variety of native ferns and grasses that were present in the formations of coal in the area. Still awaiting funding, we hope the planting will encourage reflection on the processes of evolution and change in the landscape, and in our own lives.

Funding for this part of the Vintondale AMD&ART Remediation System came from the funding sources noted in the documents below.
  • Rockefeller PACT Grant, 2001–2005 PDF | Word

    This was accomplished as a national student design competition; we promised the winner that we would build their proposal, which we did. It was a great opportunity to get the word out about the project and to bring in a national jury of important people we felt should know about it. Coincidentally, a Geology major and an English major — both in graduate school in Landscape Architecture at Penn — won the judging, again strengthening the AMD&ART commitment to interdisciplinary collaborations.

Documents are available in PDF format, viewable in the free Adobe Reader, and in Microsoft® Word format.

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